Basic ScreenPrint Workshop Weekend : 8th or 9th Jun

Hey guys – we are aware this is short notice, but we are keen to get things up and running as quickly as possible, so that our Playoffice site generates a good public involvement and reaction before the height of Summer …

Participants are desired for 2 VERY AFFORDABLE introductory screen-print workshops
being held on Saturday 8th of June and Sunday 9th.
(to clarify, two seperate events for seperate groups … not a two-dayer designed for a revisiting group)

Just £20 per person …originally £35 in 2018 …should really be £50 (or more, as I am told by peers).

This will essentially be a re-run of the course Spencer held at Batch-Makers Print Studio, Arch No.8 at The Hotwalls, with the same cheery design but this time in different colours and on a much bigger and better print table. It’s a chance for him to get back in the saddle and check out his new kit.

screen-printing in Portsmouth
Here is the course being run back in 2018 at The Hotwalls – the picture above shows two inks blending in the first screen.
…and here are the results of that first screen – two colours in a sunset blend.

On both days, participants, under careful, experienced supervision, will be able to hand-pull both screens and take their own print home with them! (included in the cost, naturally).

WHAT’S MORE they will have a basic, comprehensive understanding of the process AND the medium’s history, from its Eastern origins, its 20th Century developments, up to the present day.

The second screen pulls the image together – participants learn about registration (the lining up of the screen to the page).

This is a one off discounted offer! …normal pricing will take effect later in the summer.

These workshops have been put together quickly in order to add traffic to the physical space (a beautiful old building in The Portsmouth’s historic dockyard – the old pay-office) and help, alongside assorted fellow artists within, demonstrate the worth of the venture to the trustees of the site – The screen-print studio is still midway through its planned installation and, excitingly, the prints we produce will be the first pulled on the table since it was saved from the scrapheap by “The Zoo” nearly 6 years ago!

Rather than wait for fine tuned perfection, we’re having fun and getting inky in the meantime!

Rest assured the space is safe and tidy, (no construction hazards) but still, it will be an inky day, so do wear your scruffs, and we’d like to keep it to ages 14 and up this time around (budding artists of fewer years certainly will be catered for in special workshops booked further down the line).

Be aware also that due to the proximity to Naval sites, bag checks* will proceed at the Victory Gate entrance to the historic dockyard (but no entry ticket will be required if you state that you are attending a workshop at “The Play Office, formerly Ankle Deep”)…

…for reference, we’re right opposite Cinema No.6

Each workshop will begin at 1pm and should be winding up around 3.30pm
Please bring your own (*non-alcoholic) refreshments if required.

Spaces are very limited (6 participants per day for this trial) and are not reserved until payment in full is received – please email Spencer at for availability and bank transfer / paypal deets.

Lastly, anyone able to make it along and have a go will also qualify for a small discount on further more advanced workshops in the planning (there will be a good number, and they’ll all be quality)

Thank you for reading and sharing!

All photos by Stu Barker for a Strong Island review of the same workshop held back in 2018 on a little table in the Hotwalls.

About Petting Zoo Prints & Collectables

We're a UK based print studio & toy workshop documenting the feral farce of nature and all its cute & quirky critters.
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